The Journeyers

The Journeyers
Karen, Beth, and Jerri

Sunday, September 16, 2012

In Obanos

September 16
The albergue in Obanos is rustic but quaint.

Larger hostels assign you beds; at smaller ones like this, you can pick your bed. Since most people reach Puenta La Reina (another 2.3 km) on this leg--our plan, but we didn't make it--the albergue is fairly empty when we arrive, so we all get bottom bunks.

While Beth naps, Jerri and I shower (I also do some handwash) then visit the only bar open on Sundays.
The pilgrim dinner is not for another three hours (8 p.m.) but we order something to drink--cerveza for Jerri and café con leche for me--while we catch up in our journals.

When we realize the bar has filled up with men, either playing cards or watching a soccer match, we slink out the side door, hoping we haven't made a huge social faux pas by being in the bar during "boys' night out"...

...because, sure enough, outside, all the women and children are in the park across the street. Beth joins us there and we wait in the mild evening air until it's time for dinner. The dinner is substantial and satisfying, and we meet some new pilgrims.  Sharing stories of how you came to be on the Camino is another part of the experience.

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