The Journeyers

The Journeyers
Karen, Beth, and Jerri

Monday, October 1, 2012

Navarette to Cirueña

October 1
We walk through purely wine country.  Still, there's something very Colorado/Southwest about the mountains and mesas surrounding us.

In one small town area, we pass several bodegas (wineries).

As I bring the camera away from the horizon, I catch my shadow on the screen and snap it.

In Ventosa, we stop for late breakfast.  While we're eating, a woman comes in with a teddy bear on her backpack.  Paddington has made a friend!

Along the way, we pass a beehive hut with some very artful graffiti on the interior surface.

On the side of a building approaching Nájera, is a beautifully handwritten Pilgrim Poem (in Spanish): Pilgrim, Who Calls You?

In Nájera, we find the Information Center closed but the library open.  To be honest, this one wasn't worth more than a cursory look.  We visit the local parish and light candles in Carol's memory and for Beth's recovery before we realize we're out of 20-cent euros for donations.

We plod through empty countryside at the height of the sun, climbing and climbing.  In the distance, we see a town and think we are arriving in Cirueña, our stop for the day.  But it turns out we have almost another 10 km. to go.  We stop for a refreshing Aquarius, then press forward.

We continue climbing our way into Cirueña--a lot of empty modern apartment buildings.  After the golf club as you enter the town (how ironic that the course is right behind the pilgrim monument), there's not a soul to be seen.  We begin to wonder if there really is an albergue here.  When we're practically out of town, we find it, the Albergue Virgen de Guadalupe.

Walked 30.7 km today, and the last 7.5 were grueling.
Cat count to date: 38

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