The Journeyers

The Journeyers
Karen, Beth, and Jerri

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Last Preparations

Last day of work today.  My lovely coworkers are sending me off with well wishes and lots of positive energy.  Yay Team Briargate!

My boots have been re-waxed (thanks, honey).  My poles are packed in bubble wrap inside a small duffel for check-in tomorrow.  I've separated out items to be used while traveling into a small (rolls into its own lightweight 6-inch ball when not in use) backpack, checked in online, and printed out my boarding passes.  It is all oh-so-real now.  I can hardly believe that I will be leaving for such a great adventure in less than 24 hours...

...and foolish, greedy me--I'm trying to finish one more book before I go.  But I'm not sure I'd be sleeping that well anyway.

Tomorrow--to make it all the more real--I begin the "Journey" posts.  They will probably look different.  The Blogger app doesn't add the line space between paragraphs; any photos wind up at the end; and if there's a way to add captions, I haven't found it.  Jim has agreed to clean up posts as he has the time to go in and edit from the home computer end.  But hopefully the content will make up for less-than page layout.  I'll do my best to relate our experiences without boring anyone to sleep.  :-)

Until tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Stay safe! And enjoy sleeping through your long flight. I doubt you'll be sleeping much tonight. *hugs*
