The Journeyers

The Journeyers
Karen, Beth, and Jerri

Sunday, September 23, 2012

La Biblioteca Yamaguchi

September 20
The librarian, Raquel, is a lovely who spends about an hour with us, answering our questions and giving us a tour of what is equivalent to our branch libraries.  I'm not sure how well used the libraries are here--at this location, there are three employees, one of whom is part-time.  They don't have official job titles or a division of labor; they all do circulation tasks, shelve, etc.
The DVDs are shelved like books, spine out, but loosely alphabetized like ours.  They are easier to browse this way.

This seems more like a waiting room to me--not sure I like it.  It doesn't feel like an inviting space to sit and read.

These suitcases are full of various types of materials related to one country.  Patrons can check them out for longer than the usual three-week period.  Clever.

This book cart sits behind the circulation desk.  Materials get sorted right onto it.  When it's full, the materials get shelved.

Library stepstools appear to be the same all over.

These books have colored reading-level stickers; but they are not all beginning readers.  Rather, they are divided into beginning, juvenile, etc., up to teen.

Paddington is excited to find one of his books in the English section.


  1. Hang on a sec - you found an open one?

    An open one that looks just like the one we have in Reading - not inviting

  2. It really is a bummer that the space itself did not feel inviting, because the staff we interacted with were wonderful.
